Supporting Baltimore's Trees

The Baltimore TreeKeepers is a city-wide tree stewardship program open to anyone interested in Baltimore’s trees. TreeKeepers promote healthy trees by educating residents and increasing their role in the care of the City’s trees. Through this training, citizens can become tree advocates and share the responsibility to plant and care for trees in their neighborhood and throughout the City.

Baltimore Weed Warriors is a city-wide program that was developed to maintain the health of Baltimore’s urban forested natural areas. Certified Weed Warriors are environmental stewards trained in non-native invasive (NNI) plant management; they host volunteer events in parks all around the city to help protect trees, people, and biodiversity.

Camp Small is the wood waste collection yard run by the Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks. The 5 acre site is located in the Jones Falls Valley just north of Cold Spring Lane. Every day, City crews and contractors bring logs, chips, and brush to the site for processing. In early 2016, the Rec & Parks Forestry Division, in collaboration with the Baltimore Office of Sustainability, began the Camp Small Zero Waste initiative in an effort to sort and distribute the variety of wood products at the site.

Notable Trees
What is a Notable Tree? We at Tree Baltimore invite you to share with us trees that are worthy to add to our Notable Tree maps! Notable trees encompass champion trees and trees submitted for #myfavorite tree. Why are our big trees important? We love keeping track of the biggest trees in the city, but why are they important? Well, the bigger the tree the better.