TreeBaltimore Summer and Winter Gatherings
​​​What is the Gathering?
Twice a year TreeBaltimore hosts a gathering to celebrate the city's tree canopy. This informative networking opportunity is free and open to the public. Meet your Baltimore City advocates, planters, maintainers, researchers, and huggers of trees from boots-on-the-ground volunteers to policy and conservation professionals.
When/Where is the Gathering? The 2025 Winter Gathering will occur on Thursday, February 27th from 5:30-8:30pm at Unity Hall in Bolton Hill, 1505 Eutaw Pl, 21217. For more information, call 410-396-6109 or email TreeBaltimore@baltimorecity.gov.
Presentation: In addition to TreeBaltimore program updates and certifying new TreeKeepers and Weed Warriors, we will hear a presentation from researchers from Johns Hopkins and the Baltimore Social-Environmental Collaborative (BSEC) on how their Mobile Observatory is measuring the city's trees using advanced sensors.
Read more about it here: Road Warriors - JHU Engineering Magazine
How do I register? Registration is REQUIRED so we can get an accurate headcount. Please use the link below.
How can I help? Food and drink and composting services will be provided but please help us reduce our ecological footprint by bringing your own utensils/plates/cups. :)
What about parking? Street parking is available but please carpool, take public transit, or bike if possible.